So great to have you here, hope u enjoy what u read and like it as well. If so of course it would be nice if u share, like and just tell everyone about me :)

Mittwoch, 30. September 2015

Is it Dependency or Love? Two different kinds of Dependency

Many ppl don't understand what true love is. Some even confuse it with dependency.

Yes when u are without the one u love u feel lonely, you are weak, sad and it seems nothing makes sense and yes it sounds like dependency or being overdramatic but do u know what it is? Love!

Dependency is not love it is a condition someone feels, caused from the fear of being alone, clinging to a person who claims to love u so u don't have to be alone,

So believe me I know both btdt.......Never confuse Love with Dependency just because things are meaningless to u when you are without the one u love!

I myself can truly say I love someone and thus my happiness and the way I feel is in a way dependant on him just because only with him I can be happy, he doesn't understand that never did but now it doesn't matter anyway,

I just want to tell u, whoever reads this, never let anyone tell u that it is wrong to feel sad or feel like you can't be truly happy without the one you love, that is true love, that is sadly how it feels.......But never be afraid of truly loving someone it s the strongest feeling, and surely the best you can ever feel.

As some of you may now I have some serious mental conditions and yes also dependent traits(whatever that means lol) nah seriously I think I do know what it means and as I wrote in this post it comes from my past and things I experienced. It made me totally clinge on my mother when I was a child until a few years ago. She was the only one I had and I always tried to make her proud and impress her, I always wanted to be loved by her, like I was when I was a little child.

I guess in the eyes of some that is dependency. I was never dependent on him though, he just never realized or cared.

So let me end this post again with saying Dependency is not Love but true Love will cause you to be a bit dependent on the other one, like I said with feeling happy or complete, that is not wrong and not weird that is how it should be and ur partner doesn't feel the same? He says he can be happy without you etc.? Then he doesn't truly love you......

Samstag, 19. September 2015

A Super Bowl Halfshow, Bruno Mars and some memories

Oh damn it, I should have seen that coming...

Well I never watched the Super Bowl simply becos I live in Austria and I never saw a Half Time Show but this here just blew me away...........daaaaaamn and to know that there were ppl saying he couldn't do that or that he shouldn't becos he is not a star makes me roll my eyes.

This was just amazing and the most powerful, greatest 14 minutes I have ever seen.
He was amazing just the way he is :)
He has an awesome voice and he dances like out of the world...........and then combined with the Red Hot Chili Peppers that must have been awesome to see live.
I mean I looove music and this was IT it was pure, raw music at its best. This is how music has to be, fun, and enjoyable, emotional.

At the end his song well that kinda threw me off the cliff.
I love that song I find it beautiful and well I remember when I first met that one man I love so much and my mum(who is a huge Bruno Fan) listened to the Bruno Mars Cd I bought her and it played that song and he didn't know the song but when he heard it he said it's a great song and that this is what he would say to me.........so it became one of our songs I don't know if he remembers though.......

I remember listening to the Cd with him, my mum and pa in the car, him and I held each others hands and looked forward to the place we drove, and then it played that song again and "Marry Me" and he looked into my eyes and nodded..........So this brings back memories............

And well I am so envious cos when we met online it was a few months before my mums birthday and he wanted me to choose something for her and he would pay for it as I couldn't afford anything better than a Cd or such as I don't have money, so I thought it would be awesome to gift her two tickets for the Bruno Mars Concert in our homecity Vienna, he bought the tickets and at her Birthday he was here in Vienna and we gave her the tickets, she was screaming and so happy.
I was happy for her, she had never been to a concert before neither had I so I wish I would have been there too LOl but anyway my mother and I have a very complicated relationship and lately it became worse, but back then I just wanted to thank her at least once for giving birth to me and raising me on her own, dealing with my problems as well as her own including violence, depressions etc.
We both had a hard time and it does suck that we didn't make it.
But she will always be my mother and I will always love her, I have some great memories with her.
She did a lot of shitty things and we mostly don't talk or interact, she is mostly badmouthing me, stabbing my back or just rude...........but I did make my peace with it. It is sad and I wish I would have still a mother, I mean I have her but she is not really a mother since years.
I would love her to be a mother who loves me who shows it, who supports me, but yeah anyway. Don't want to mess this post up ;) So awesome show loooove it!

Sleepless in Vienna....again

Well first and foremost Hello to everyone who will read this.

I didn't write since a long time even though there is so much going on in my mind all the time that I could possibly easily fill pages every day.

However my mood is really kinda knocking me out at the moment but just now i had the urge to write a short post.

Yeah at 4:23 am........some might think that is weird or that I have to work or whatever.
Well let me explain (but it is weird too)
I had troubles with my sleep since I was a child.
It just gets more and more frustrating, exhausting.
It happens often especially since a few years.

I had some fine months where I was able to sleep during the night for about 7-8 hours, it was when I was happy and calm and motivated because of my relationship.
Now I am having troubles again.

So because I can't sleep I play games online or watch some stuff on Youtube.........
When I get really tired I try to sleep but it doesn't work.
So I take meds to do so.
The meds I take then are the ones my shrink gave me so I am not buying sleeping pills or such, actually because my mum doesn't allow me to do that as she says you can easily become an addict.
Anyways, I have to take certain meds on a daily basis including Pills that shall help me fall asleep and are against depression and anxiety.
I have to take 100 mg every day before I go to bed, but sadly lately it doesn't help.
Not only because I become used to it I take them since a few years) but also because my mental health seems to get worse especially now that I am having a very rough time.
So what I did a few times lately is taking another 150 mg at 2am, then I fall asleep like 20 minutes later, it totally calms me, my mind stops racing, it is a very nice feeling, the pain is gone for a while.
Did that last night and slept 12 hours during the day.
So here I am now again, not able to sleep even though I am tired.
Then just before a songtext came to my mind and I had to write it down......along with it I wrote 3 short poems, afterwards I was very exhausted and that is a new feeling, as whenever I used to write anything it didn't exhaust me, this time it did............Well I hope no one of you has those problems, wish you all a good night or a good day wherever you are.